Cycle your way to adventures and discover more...
We know that tramping on wheels opens up a world of possibilities. Our mountains and valleys are home to some of the most epic riding trails in Aotearoa. Couple this with incredible hospitality, amazing ecology, stories and adventures; we know that you will be amazed and engaged no matter which cycle tour you choose.
(And we know we will welcome you back time and time again to explore more)
And if we forget to mention it - our rohe is all the amazing sections of the incredible Mountains to Sea - Nga Ara Tūhono. Recently named one of the top Great Rides in NZ for its diversity by Wilderness Magazine.
Choose your adventure from the options below, or contact us with your plan and we'll work together to support you to success.
Price range $110 - $1,672 depending on inclusions

Ride the Mountains to Sea - Ngā Ara TūhonoConnect the pathways, matching your time wtih our support. We take care of everything so you can journey across the island creating special memories along the way.